Marcia Daszko is the author of the bestselling book Pivot Disrupt Transform; Turning Ideas Into Impact
She’s a thought-provoking and caring contrarian who asks provocative questions to challenge assumptions. She’s not afraid to stand up and ask why things are done in a certain way. Her belief…Just because something is common practice, doesn’t mean is it right!
She shares the story of why she started her consultancy practice after her two mentors passed away in the same year.
This led to an extremely successful journey in helping Fortune 500 companies examine their beliefs and practices held to see what should stay and what should go
As you’ll see Marcia’s catalyst for Strategic Change, Innovation, and Transformational Leadership.
Her approach is based on a theoretical foundation of management, not fads, and “best practices”!
You see why she thinks creating a Mission statement is a waste of time, how internal completion does more harm than good, and why she doesn’t believe the manager should focus on motivating their team members.
Instead, she suggests having a compelling purpose, fostering collaboration, and creating an environment where employees are self-motivated.
Marcia will turn what you think about leadership on its head!
Learn more about Marcia Daszko:
Website: https://www.mdaszko.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marciadaszko/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarciaDaszko
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/marciadaszkoassociates/?_rdc=1&_rdr
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