Why Seth Godin is Brenden’s Hero
Brenden Kumarasamy is back in this episode with some amazing insights he has learned from his hero, Seth Godin.
Brenden is one of Seth Godin’s biggest fans. Before he dies, he wants to read Seth’s biography. And it’s no wonder because Seth isn’t afraid to take risks. His humor, brilliance, and gift for public speaking are inspiring. He’s an excellent facilitator who coaches entrepreneurs to master public speaking & share their ideas. He can also do karaoke in 8 different languages.
Seth’s goal is to simplify public speaking so much that the whole idea of Glossophobia (fear of public speaking) doesn’t exist at all.
In the previous interviews with Billy, Brenden talked about his life and the art of public speaking. Today marks his third time on the show, where he shares with us the reason why Seth Godin is his hero, the valuable insights that he has gained from Seth, how Karaoke helped him with the pronunciation of different languages, finding the steps to living a great life, and motivating others to do so. He also shares some critiques and advice for Seth Godin.
What we discuss with Brenden Kumarasamy
- [03:28] – Biggest insights that Brenden learned from Seth Godin
- [06:04] – The game that Seth Godin is playing
- [06:45] – The game that Brenden is playing
- [09:00] – Why do people still buy Nike shoes?
- [09:54] – The reason why most billionaires donate money to universities or schools instead of solving the water crisis or hunger problem
- [10:36] – How Seth Godin uses controversy to make a difference
- [14:06] – How to take a commonly held belief and turn it on its head?
- [15:30] – How does Karaoke help Brenden?
- [17:11] – The power of mashup
- [19:32] – Why it is important to concentrate a content with the goddess
- [23:02] – Brenden’s advice to Seth
- [27:07] – Why Seth is so private about his life
- [29:33] – Why knowing the process behind the success is important
- [32:35] – People that’s going to be most talked about, known, and written about in the future.
- [34:25] – What does he mean by motivating other people to live a great life
- [36:00] – The idea of radical transparency
- [38:26] – Brenden’s thought about this session
Valuable Insights by Brenden
- Don’t be afraid to embrace the controversy you’re in.
- Taking risks will help you to live a meaningful life.
Tips by Brenden:
Karaoke is the best way to practice pronunciation.
Notable Quotes:
[09:51] – “Everything has a selfish benefit.”
[12:55] – “We are hardwired to not pay attention to the things that we are used to. We pay attention when there’s something out of the ordinary, or when there’s a new lens put on something that we may be seeing all the time.”
[14:28] – “Take the risk. Because if you don’t take risks, you’re not going to contribute anything meaningful in your life.”
[28:16] – “The person behind the idea is just as important as the idea.”
[30:07] – “History is littered with people who have done significant things, but if you pull the curtain and know the personal side of them, some of them are not glowing high integrity characters.”
[32:44] – “The tools will change but the principles never will.”
Brenden’s Website: https://www.mastertalk.ca/about
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MasterTalks
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