LinkedIn vs. YouTube

LinkedIn vs YouTube
There is no denying that social media platforms like LinkedIn or YouTube are a great
place for networking, building and growing your business, or making a career. But each
platform differs in the way it works, its type of audience and content, and the way people
engage with it. So both platforms don't necessarily have to work for you and your
business; you just need to figure out which platform is most effective.
In this episode, Brenden and Billy discuss the differences between LinkedIn and
YouTube. They talk about strategies for success on each platform and highlight the
benefits and challenges that exist on each platform.
What we discussed:
● [02:30] – Broad stroke differences between LinkedIn and YouTube
● [05:17] – Trendy content versus evergreen content
● [07:13] – Similarity between the two platforms
● [08:35] – How people consume content on both the platforms
● [11:37] – Comparing the community on both platforms.
● [14:00] – The difference in the type of engagement on YouTube vs LinkedIn
● [17:45] – How much the quality of content matters
● [22:20] – Importance of the content versus the engagement
● [24:39] – Building relationships from a revenue/business building standpoint
● [29:12] – Finding clients on LinkedIn versus on YouTube
● [31:13] – Certain things people should consider before taking the plunge into
● [32:20] – The 80:20 rule where you don't have to create a YouTube channel that's
● [34:08] – Brenden's advice to people who want to see long term growth in
● [39:16] – The biggest mistake people make in content creation
● [45:22] – How can one use both the platforms effectively
Valuable Insights:
● The biggest difference between YouTube and LinkedIn is community.
● YouTube has a platform and an interface that doesn't really facilitate two-way
● The recency effect on LinkedIn is so big that you could post the same post a
month later, and no one would know.
● On LinkedIn, the quality of the content doesn't matter nearly as much as the level
of engagement you have on other people's profiles.
● Engagement is everything on LinkedIn. Whereas on YouTube, the quality of the
content matters
● LinkedIn is more about a people to people social media network.
● It's important to start seeing what else is possible outside of LinkedIn because
LinkedIn is not going to last forever.
● You can engage with users directly on LinkedIn in a way that you just can't on
● It's easy to get clients on LinkedIn versus on YouTube.
● LinkedIn is great at starting the conversation. Whereas YouTube is good at
closing the sale.
● If you are not batching your content on YouTube, it is impossible to stay
Tips by Brenden:
● Dominate LinkedIn first, make your money, and then try YouTube
● On LinkedIn, it is important to have a niche, have a specialty, and be known for a
● All you need on LinkedIn is 30 quality posts, and you just rinse and repeat the
same shit every month. And no one will know.
● Make one amazing video a week for ten years and don't miss a single week, and
you' ll probably be successful on YouTube.
Notable Quotes:
[22:41] – " You can be an average content creator, but a fantastic engager."
[31:15] – " If you just want the business, stay on LinkedIn. If you have a mission, go to
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